Fit und gesund mit Yoga
Life happens.
Yoga helps.
Life happens. Yoga helps.
“Physical activity teaches you how to accept something for what it is, see it clearly, and then decide what to do next.”
- Brad Stulberg
Warum Yoga?
Mehr Flexibilität und Mobilität. Stärke deine Muskulatur. Mehr Bewegungsfreiheit in deinem Körper.
Helfe deinem Körper und Geist zur Ruhe zu kommen. Bringe Balance in deinen Körper.
Mehr Lebensfreude und Zufriedenheit.
„The size of your jeans doesn't define you. The colour and shade of your skin doesn't define you. That number on the scales doesn't define you. Those marks on your face don't define you. Those expectations don't define you. Those opinions don't define you.
Your personal beauty isn't for everyone, and that's fine.
It doesn't mean you're less beautiful than any other human being.“
- Vex King; Good Vibes, Good Life
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